Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jake the Snake is 3!

The birthday boy decided that 5am was a good time to crawl in bed to cuddle. Naturally he doesn't want to go back to sleep. He just wants to kick, squirm, and wiggle around. Finally at 6am Ryan got out of bed.
The first "Happy Birthday!" comes from him.
No response.
When I roll over and say "Happy Birthday!"
Jake responds with "Happy Birthday!"
"No silly, its your birthday. Not mine."
"I'm three! I love you mommy."
How I didn't immediately start crying, I'll never know.
We've been talking about turning three for a few days now. He knows a Mickey Mouse birthday party is coming up (his request last month). But when you ask him he now says he wants a Brobee birthday party thanks to a recent YGG episode.

On the way to school he sings the Happy Birthday song to himself. I would join in but its so much cuter to hear him sing it. He's really excited about the blue and green chocolate/vanilla cupcakes I brought for him to share with his school friends. I'm going to have to think of something good for tonight. The only way to top cupcakes is candy...

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