Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Brothers don't shake hands! Brothers gotta hug!"

Do you remember that scene in Tommy Boy when Chris Farley meets his new step-brother Rob Lowe and he says that line? He was so happy to no longer be an only child and have someone to play with. That was what I was hoping for when I found out I was having another boy. They would be BFF's, wear matching shirts, have slumber parties, and look out for each other. And so far its been just that. Jake has taken to his little brother really well and vice versa. If Jake is in the room, Luke is watching his every move - with a big smile on his face. For instance, the other night Jake was bouncing on our bed. I put Luke down to play and Jake gently/nicely (if you can imagine) wrestled around with him. Luke was laughing hysterically and trying to play back. I wish I had my video camera...

And in the realm of "kids say the darnedest things..."

J: You're not my friend Daddy! Only Lucas is!

J: You're my best friend, Daddy's my best friend and Lucas is my best friend.
M: That's right and we are also family.
J: Yes, and Papa Lew is my best friend, and Poa Poa is my best friend, and Uncle Zach....and we are all family too! (we were just talking about them, hence the reference)
M: You're right. And we all love you!
J: Aw Mommy, that makes me so happy!

J: Can I give Lucas a kiss good night? But not you...

J: Can I have a slumber party with Lucas?

J: Lucas can share my blanket. Can I share his? (gasp! This is unheard of!)

I am well aware that the time will come when I start to hear "Luke stole my toy!" "Jake is picking on me!" "Why can't I play with the big kids?" "He kissed my girlfriend!"  But for now, I'll take in all the sweet big/little brother love I can.
*Note to self: invest in video camera!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Jake 'n Mommy bonding

When Jake was younger one of our favorite activities to do together was shop. Grocery store, Target, even the mall. It was a bonding thing for us. He was such a good shopper too. Sometimes we'd go to the mall just to walk around and people watch. He'd sit in the cart or stroller, snack on cheerios, and help me put stuff in the cart. As he got older he would walk next to me or ride on the front of the cart (I know I know, dangerous). I would take pride in the fact that he could go into any store and not expect to walk away with a toy or treat. He wasn't like some of the kids who would be crying in the aisles wanting a new toy. Worst case he'd pick out a toy and carry it around the store but put it back as we were leaving. It was going so well that'd I even let him go into the Disney store to play for a little while (its much cleaner than those communal indoor playgrounds, right?) I thought that deserved a pat on the back for ol' Mommy. I envisioned him and I shopping together all the time. I would teach him the ways of the coupon and eventually he would take over. But recently a switch has flipped and shopping is no longer the fun bonding time I thought. Jake is now old enough to now understand how shopping works.

A few weeks ago on the way to school he asked where we were going. When I replied "school" he said "we aren't going to school, we are going shopping." He even threw a fit when he couldn't get the mouthwash he wanted (sorry kid, not on sale. We ain't buying it.) He then told me "fine, I don't want to go shopping anymore." I thought I could bribe him by letting him use the kid shopping carts at the grocery store. That worked a few times...until we went to a store that didn't have them- apparently they were getting stolen :( . That started a whole new kind of tantrum. At dinner the other night he told me he wanted a Jessie doll and I needed to go to the mall to get him one. Say. What. Son? You know its a problem when your kid tells you his favorite place is Costco. Or when he knows to get a specific item at Walmart or Target.

And that's the end of that. So now shopping will be Mommy's quiet time and the boy's bonding time with Daddy. For now at least...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Luke is 1 month old!

Where have the days gone?! Oh that's right, they've gone to hundreds of diapers, hours of sleep, and the over production of milk!

In the days since Luke was born he's: 
gained 3 pounds and 2 inches (and that was two weeks ago, no telling what he's at now)
he no longer fits into most newborn/3 month clothing
he can hold his head steady and push up for a few minutes
he's started to smile and coo when I talk to him
he loves to go on walks outside and take baths
and his favorite place to take a nap is in his swing listening to the sounds of the "ocean"

One month old today!

I'd say he's a happy little guy

Post bath contentment

For the time being he answers to: little brother, Luke, monkey, and chunks. My Mom says I can't call him chunks anymore or else he will have a complex when he is older. I told her that his fraternity brothers will call him that (or worse) eventually. She swears its different when your friends give you the nickname....

But really I'm ecstatic that Luke has some meat on him as Jake has always been super skinny and long. Luckily for me, my other favorite baby trait is hairy babies. I just love it when they are covered in hair like little monkey's. I'm happy to report both my boys were hairy and I couldn't have been happier. Though my grandfather claims they are hairy because I went to funerals both times I was pregnant which is Chinese superstition that your babies will be hairy. I'LL TAKE IT!

Last weekend Ryan had to work and I feared taking care of both boys alone so we headed to the only solace I parents house! It was my first time driving in four weeks and let me tell you I forgot how much I DESPISE driving. Especially in and around the Central Valley. I'm almost positive drivers here think they are staring in the movie "2 Fast 2 Furious". Even the senior citizens drive like Vin Diesel. But I digress.

In the 24 hours while visiting my parents we took a trip to Costco, one of Jake's favorite places to shop, hit up Borders, went on a walk, and tried to catch up on sleep. They wore us out! Lucky for us my Dad took the day off to spend with the boys. 

I'd bet money that as soon as we left Saturday night my poor Dad passed out due to exhaustion.

So until next month I leave you with this....

A Big.Sleepy.Goofy.Grin.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Don't mind me. I'm just sleep deprived.

For the last two hours Luke and I have been in a circle jerk of nursing, burping, diapers, rocking, crying, swinging, pacifying, walking and repeating. It's taking everything in me not to cry, scream, pass out, or make myself a very strong drink. 

Not only that but for the last two days Luke has had the hardest time falling asleep after we put Jake to bed. We are talking 2 hours of the same routine: left side, burp, right side, burp. Still awake? Rooting? Left side, burp, right side, burp. Still awake? Rooting? Suckle left. Suckle right. Repeat for 2 HOURS!!  Finally after 2 hours he's just ready to suck. Insert pacifier and play suckle, sleep, pacifier falls out, wake up and repeat. And let me tell you I hate pacifiers. Honestly what good are they if they constantly fall out? Why doesnt someone make one that's got a harness? Kind of like a gag ball. Those never fall out of your mouth, right? 

It's like right when I think we've made progress and he's finally asleep he "sharts" his pants, wakes up and we have to start all over again. So here we are. The second hour. And I'm nursing. Again. Crap. He just farted. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Photo Card

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Announcements for every life event: graduation, wedding & baby.
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