For the last two hours Luke and I have been in a circle jerk of nursing, burping, diapers, rocking, crying, swinging, pacifying, walking and repeating. It's taking everything in me not to cry, scream, pass out, or make myself a very strong drink.
Not only that but for the last two days Luke has had the hardest time falling asleep after we put Jake to bed. We are talking 2 hours of the same routine: left side, burp, right side, burp. Still awake? Rooting? Left side, burp, right side, burp. Still awake? Rooting? Suckle left. Suckle right. Repeat for 2 HOURS!! Finally after 2 hours he's just ready to suck. Insert pacifier and play suckle, sleep, pacifier falls out, wake up and repeat. And let me tell you I hate pacifiers. Honestly what good are they if they constantly fall out? Why doesnt someone make one that's got a harness? Kind of like a gag ball. Those never fall out of your mouth, right?
It's like right when I think we've made progress and he's finally asleep he "sharts" his pants, wakes up and we have to start all over again. So here we are. The second hour. And I'm nursing. Again. Crap. He just farted.
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