Do you remember that scene in Tommy Boy when Chris Farley meets his new step-brother Rob Lowe and he says that line? He was so happy to no longer be an only child and have someone to play with. That was what I was hoping for when I found out I was having another boy. They would be BFF's, wear matching shirts, have slumber parties, and look out for each other. And so far its been just that. Jake has taken to his little brother really well and vice versa. If Jake is in the room, Luke is watching his every move - with a big smile on his face. For instance, the other night Jake was bouncing on our bed. I put Luke down to play and Jake gently/nicely (if you can imagine) wrestled around with him. Luke was laughing hysterically and trying to play back. I wish I had my video camera...
And in the realm of "kids say the darnedest things..."
J: You're not my friend Daddy! Only Lucas is!
J: You're my best friend, Daddy's my best friend and Lucas is my best friend.
M: That's right and we are also family.
J: Yes, and Papa Lew is my best friend, and Poa Poa is my best friend, and Uncle Zach....and we are all family too! (we were just talking about them, hence the reference)
M: You're right. And we all love you!
J: Aw Mommy, that makes me so happy!
J: Can I give Lucas a kiss good night? But not you...
J: Can I have a slumber party with Lucas?
J: Lucas can share my blanket. Can I share his? (gasp! This is unheard of!)
I am well aware that the time will come when I start to hear "Luke stole my toy!" "Jake is picking on me!" "Why can't I play with the big kids?" "He kissed my girlfriend!" But for now, I'll take in all the sweet big/little brother love I can.
*Note to self: invest in video camera!
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