Friday, December 23, 2011

Jake 'n Mommy bonding

When Jake was younger one of our favorite activities to do together was shop. Grocery store, Target, even the mall. It was a bonding thing for us. He was such a good shopper too. Sometimes we'd go to the mall just to walk around and people watch. He'd sit in the cart or stroller, snack on cheerios, and help me put stuff in the cart. As he got older he would walk next to me or ride on the front of the cart (I know I know, dangerous). I would take pride in the fact that he could go into any store and not expect to walk away with a toy or treat. He wasn't like some of the kids who would be crying in the aisles wanting a new toy. Worst case he'd pick out a toy and carry it around the store but put it back as we were leaving. It was going so well that'd I even let him go into the Disney store to play for a little while (its much cleaner than those communal indoor playgrounds, right?) I thought that deserved a pat on the back for ol' Mommy. I envisioned him and I shopping together all the time. I would teach him the ways of the coupon and eventually he would take over. But recently a switch has flipped and shopping is no longer the fun bonding time I thought. Jake is now old enough to now understand how shopping works.

A few weeks ago on the way to school he asked where we were going. When I replied "school" he said "we aren't going to school, we are going shopping." He even threw a fit when he couldn't get the mouthwash he wanted (sorry kid, not on sale. We ain't buying it.) He then told me "fine, I don't want to go shopping anymore." I thought I could bribe him by letting him use the kid shopping carts at the grocery store. That worked a few times...until we went to a store that didn't have them- apparently they were getting stolen :( . That started a whole new kind of tantrum. At dinner the other night he told me he wanted a Jessie doll and I needed to go to the mall to get him one. Say. What. Son? You know its a problem when your kid tells you his favorite place is Costco. Or when he knows to get a specific item at Walmart or Target.

And that's the end of that. So now shopping will be Mommy's quiet time and the boy's bonding time with Daddy. For now at least...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Luke is 1 month old!

Where have the days gone?! Oh that's right, they've gone to hundreds of diapers, hours of sleep, and the over production of milk!

In the days since Luke was born he's: 
gained 3 pounds and 2 inches (and that was two weeks ago, no telling what he's at now)
he no longer fits into most newborn/3 month clothing
he can hold his head steady and push up for a few minutes
he's started to smile and coo when I talk to him
he loves to go on walks outside and take baths
and his favorite place to take a nap is in his swing listening to the sounds of the "ocean"

One month old today!

I'd say he's a happy little guy

Post bath contentment

For the time being he answers to: little brother, Luke, monkey, and chunks. My Mom says I can't call him chunks anymore or else he will have a complex when he is older. I told her that his fraternity brothers will call him that (or worse) eventually. She swears its different when your friends give you the nickname....

But really I'm ecstatic that Luke has some meat on him as Jake has always been super skinny and long. Luckily for me, my other favorite baby trait is hairy babies. I just love it when they are covered in hair like little monkey's. I'm happy to report both my boys were hairy and I couldn't have been happier. Though my grandfather claims they are hairy because I went to funerals both times I was pregnant which is Chinese superstition that your babies will be hairy. I'LL TAKE IT!

Last weekend Ryan had to work and I feared taking care of both boys alone so we headed to the only solace I parents house! It was my first time driving in four weeks and let me tell you I forgot how much I DESPISE driving. Especially in and around the Central Valley. I'm almost positive drivers here think they are staring in the movie "2 Fast 2 Furious". Even the senior citizens drive like Vin Diesel. But I digress.

In the 24 hours while visiting my parents we took a trip to Costco, one of Jake's favorite places to shop, hit up Borders, went on a walk, and tried to catch up on sleep. They wore us out! Lucky for us my Dad took the day off to spend with the boys. 

I'd bet money that as soon as we left Saturday night my poor Dad passed out due to exhaustion.

So until next month I leave you with this....

A Big.Sleepy.Goofy.Grin.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Don't mind me. I'm just sleep deprived.

For the last two hours Luke and I have been in a circle jerk of nursing, burping, diapers, rocking, crying, swinging, pacifying, walking and repeating. It's taking everything in me not to cry, scream, pass out, or make myself a very strong drink. 

Not only that but for the last two days Luke has had the hardest time falling asleep after we put Jake to bed. We are talking 2 hours of the same routine: left side, burp, right side, burp. Still awake? Rooting? Left side, burp, right side, burp. Still awake? Rooting? Suckle left. Suckle right. Repeat for 2 HOURS!!  Finally after 2 hours he's just ready to suck. Insert pacifier and play suckle, sleep, pacifier falls out, wake up and repeat. And let me tell you I hate pacifiers. Honestly what good are they if they constantly fall out? Why doesnt someone make one that's got a harness? Kind of like a gag ball. Those never fall out of your mouth, right? 

It's like right when I think we've made progress and he's finally asleep he "sharts" his pants, wakes up and we have to start all over again. So here we are. The second hour. And I'm nursing. Again. Crap. He just farted. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Photo Card

Tonal Type Blue Baby Announcements
Announcements for every life event: graduation, wedding & baby.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The final countdown and all the anxiety that comes with it

I can count on two hands the days until my due date (that would be 6). Of course this means nothing because babies come when they are good and ready. In an effort to encourage him out sooner I have been sitting on an exercise ball and walking/window shopping everyday. I've even taken to asking other moms or google-ing ways to jump start contractions. Let me tell you some options sound much more appetizing than others. All of this leads me to last night....

I have been going to bed earlier than usual because I'm exhausted and when I roll over (multiple times) throughout the night, I wake up briefly. Last night I woke up to some odd cramping and then suddenly I was starving. I immediately thought Cash had dropped, which meant that my stomach was no longer shoved in my chest and that was why I was so hungry. My second thought was I shouldn't have rejected Ryan's offer for our nightly slice of ice cream cake. Either way I laid in bed contemplating my next move.

For the next 45 minutes I began to panic. My life will never be the same. In less than two weeks I will be a parent of TWO CHILDREN! I will be responsible for the lives of two little people and it will then be my responsibility to raise them to be gentlemen, productive members of society, good husbands/dads. I'll have to encourage their imaginations, creativity, and independent thoughts. Whatever happens to these two boys will be mine (and Ryan's) success or failure. OMG! How are we going to pay for college? Private or public school? Will they be healthy? Have learning disabilities? What if one, or both, are gay? How will I protect them, or teach them how to deal with society? And my biggest fear: how will I hold on to my relationship with my boys once they are married and have families of their own?! Screw the pain of child birth, at least there are pain meds for that. The pressure of raising children is what gets me.

After talking myself, and my inner voices, down I realized I just needed a bowl of cereal and some good infomercials so I could go back to bed. Tonight I will have that slice of ice cream cake just in case.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Week it just me or is time slowing down?

SERIOUSLY?! 4 weeks left? You have GOT to be kidding me.

Don't get me wrong, in no way am I prepared for Cash to make an appearance. I still have to put together his room, do laundry, pack my hospital bag and write a ton of thank you notes (everyone has been so generous). Not to mention he still has some baking to do. But that doesn't mean that physically I'm not ready. As I sit here typing Cash is creeping up further into my rib cage making it hard to breathe. Later I'm sure he will tap his foot to the radio, elbow my side, head butt my bladder, and scratch at my cervix...all in a days work for him. Physically I am ready. Done. Tapped out. My clothes are getting shorter and shorter while my belly gets wider. The level of uncomfortable increases each day. Really I ask you: how can your feet ache first thing in the morning?! Literally the first few steps each morning are painful. On the flip side; I could be aching in other places or not getting any sleep. Its a trade off.

It has now gotten to the point where the most common question used to be "when's your due date?" and now its "when's your last day of work?" and "have you picked a name yet?" To which I reply "whenever the water breaks." and "no names until I see the baby in person." Don't get me wrong, these are all logical and very reasonable questions....

Thanks to:
my gigantic belly (slight exaggeration)
my tiny/uncomfortable work chair (it only seems that way when I'm pregnant)
summer desk job (summer=no kids=no activities=boring)
and 103 degree weather
I now suffer from "low back pain, squished uterus, restless fetus, and swollen limb syndrome" (See pregnant)
And for these reasons I can HUG my amazing Dr (or 15, seeing as I'm a Kaiser patient) for putting me on "modified work duty" (i.e I only work 4 out of 5 days a week.)

So for the last two weeks I've been trying to relax and stay off my feet (per Dr's orders). The problem is this technically sets me back because in reality I should start walking now and not turn back until I'm fully dilated, something I like to call "Forest-Gumping-It."

And if I was to leave work at the four week mark (like now) as some women do, my day would look something like it did this past Monday:
7 am: wake up, breakfast in bed with Jake, take him to school
8 am: make smoothie and english muffin, watch Real Housewives of NYC and NJ
10 am: nap
12 pm: peddle around in baby's room, make a bigger mess than necessary, think about doing laundry
1 pm: make 32 oz milk shake and panini. Eat with Ruffles and onion dip.
1:15 pm: catch up on SYTYCD
3 pm: convince Zach to blow up my floatie so I can lounge in the pool, wrestle into unflattering bathing suit
3:20 pm: float in pool
4 pm: "sweep" backyard
4:10 pm: float in pool
6 pm: slop together some kind of dinner
7 pm: lather, rinse, repeat
8 pm: due to total exhaustion crawl into bed and doze off while watching movie
Now see, I realize this sounds totally amazing (and it was) but it's completely unconducive to coaxing a baby to come out sooner rather than later. And this is the only reason I'll be at work until the very end. Waddling from the parking lot to the office, sweating like a beast, and making dramatic noises as Cash swims laps in my uterus.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Parenting fail and our new favorite past time

I come from a town with multiple community pools. There is almost no need to have your own when you have so many to choose from. I'm not much of a swimmer but when its 90+ outside I'd rather be wading in the pool than anything else. I don't know how they did it but the Central Valley has managed to only offer community pools at the gym, which are indoors and used mostly for lap swim, or limited hours at the local high school - neither are my idea of fun.

One of my stipulations looking for a rental this year was it had to have a pool. I refused to suffer through another summer without one (especially being super pregnant.) We got lucky and found the perfect house complete with a nice pool and backyard for entertaining (because I'm totally going to want to do that with a new baby :p). 

Prior to our family vacation to Myrtle Beach, Jake never really liked to swim - let alone take a bath. We got lucky and our condo had an amazing pool area for kids fit with a lazy river, water fountains and mini pools. Ryan even got Jake to go in the ocean and jump around with the waves. 

first time at the pool - 6 months

second time swimming - 2 1/2 years. Notice the clinginess?

3 years old and ready to tackle the ocean! 

It took a few weeks to get the pool clean and working - due to poor landscaping we have multiple gigantic pine trees that shed constantly leaving the pool a mess and cooler than usual - but now we are in full swimming mode. The first few times we hung out by the pool we just put our feet in or stayed near the stairs. Since we had no intention of submerging ourselves we went out fully clothed. It wasn't long before Jake would get soaking wet from splashing around. My immediate thought was for him to strip and run around naked. This was a huge mistake because now he is under the impression that swimming should only be done in the nude. 

This the only appropriate picture I can put up...for now. We are getting there. Michael Phleps better look out!

We've also been potty training for the last 6 months. Its come to the point where anything we do is prefaced with "do you need to go potty first?" One day as we were getting ready to put our feet in the pool I told Jake he needed to go to the bathroom first. His response was "I don't need to." When I jokingly suggested that he could go on the palm tree in the backyard he whipped it out and began peeing before I could even finish my sentence. Hey, he may look like Ryan but he's got my instincts. 

So this summer you can find us swimming in the pool-wrestling Jake into a swim suit-and peeing in the backyard (its better than in the pool, right?) It just goes to show that one tiny decision can produce major consequences. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Neurotic parent seeking babysitter

Employment Opportunity
Position: Part time babysitter
Qualified applicant to start work immediately

Essential Duties: Under the general supervision of Mom and Dad, this position will provide varied child care for a 3 year old and (in the near future) infant. Duties include, but not limited to:
Assisting with continual potty training, daily naps, possible bathing and bed time, future diaper changes, tummy time, feeding
Preparing healthy and nutritious snack/meals (juice, candy and sweets not applicable)
Encourage and support daily daycare concepts 
Assist in transportation to and from daycare
Must demonstrate abilities to interact with imaginary friends and engage in pretend play
Frequent trips to park, miniature golf course, and Costco

Special preference given to those who: clean up after themselves and don't eat all the food in the house.

18-20 years old
HS graduate
local college student (or future college student) preferred
Must have reliable transportation with current vehicle insurance as well as current health insurance

Specialized Skills and Abilities:
CPR/First Aid certified
Former lifeguard/swim teacher preferred
Arts and Crafts "guru"
Bi-lingual preferred and not limited to a specific language
Fluent in American Sign Language 
Ability to part from your cell phone and social networking while working

Employer sponsored CPR and First Aid training and renewal if necessary
Vacation employment to include: travel, lodging, food paid by employer

Please note: I have the right to judge you based on your facebook/twitter profiles. 
Your girlfriend/boyfriend or children need not accompany you to work.

Someone please reassure me that this is not too much to expect from a sitter....anyone?

After 3 years of asking our parents and Jake's teachers to babysit I have finally taken to leap and asked one of my students to babysit. This has been a LONG time coming and I've been dreading it. We have an event coming up next weekend and after asking two of Jake's preschool teachers (both unavailable) while refusing to ask our parents, I was randomly approached by one of my students offering to babysit. I have been told by many students, in the past, that they would be more than willing to babysit for me but I never took them seriously - that is until now. I am at the point of desperation and it's time for me to cut the cord.

I've spent time researching local sitters before. I checked out Craigslist (if I wanted a child molester), looked through the newspaper (see craigslist comment), checked out CPR/First Aid classes (if I wanted to hire a 13 year old), asked other parents (my friends either have no kids or older kids who don't need a sitter) and signed up for a few of those babysitter websites (if I was looking for a 40 year old who has their own kids and probably has their own ideas about how I should raise my kids). I've even considered asking my students. The problem with this is while I know they are qualified/educated enough to get into college that doesn't mean they are educated enough to navigate proper Facebook postings. Seriously, if I was their parents I would be appalled at some of their daily activities. BUT as my own Mom pointed out, it's not like I didn't engage in similar (or worse) activities, I was just fortunate enough to not have social media to track my debauchery for all the world (an future employers) to judge.

After grilling Gabe for 30 min on her qualifications and previous experience I suggested that she come over to meet Jake and Ryan this Sunday. She was at our house for 2 hours and it was only in the last 15 minutes that Jake finally opened up and started talking and playing with her. When she left he was actually sad to see her go but excited to play with her this weekend (SCORE!) I'll be so relieved and happy if this works out because it would be nice to be able to know that not only Jake can meet new people but that I can do it! (But really, I am well aware that its me and not Jake.)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

33 weeks and counting

We are on the home stretch (at least that's how I choose to look at it)! Only 7 more weeks to go and let me tell you, they can't go by fast enough. It has gotten to the point where there is no more room for Cash to grow or move without kicking a hole in my abdomen. He is truly moving from the time I wake up until after I am long asleep. Don't get me wrong, this is a good sign (at least for me it means I don't have to keep a "Kick Count Card" for the Dr.) But it is unbelievably distracting, uncomfortable, and...amazing.

It's distracting/uncomfortable when:
I'm sitting at my computer and he kicks me so hard I jerk in my seat.
I'm driving on the freeway and it feels like he is scratching on my uterus, literally clawing his way out.
I just went to the bathroom and he kicks me so hard I have to pee again.
I can't be comfortable in any position other than in bed on my side.
I eat a banana and can't breathe because my organs are squished up in my ribs.
I have to wear pants...seriously, screw the elastic waist band. I'm over it.

And it's truly amazing when:
He kicks as I'm talking to him. Almost as if he is responding.
Ryan or Jake can feel him moving around. (sometimes when I'm cuddling with Jake he says "Cashew kicked me in the leg!")
He kicks or moves to the radio, keeping perfect time with the song.
You can see him moving/kicking/synchronized swimming. (It's like that scene from Alien/Spaceballs where that guy is in the diner and his stomach is moving all crazy, then he flops on the bar, and that alien rips out of his stomach...but not like that at all.)

I first started to feel Cash moving back in January, he hasn't stopped since. I don't remember Jake moving around this much. But really nothing about this pregnancy is similar to Jake's.

Even though I am (more than) ready for Cash to GET OUT! I will be patient and let him bake until he is good and ready. Until then I may need to move a futon into my office so I can get some work done.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Moving AND Nesting. I'm exhausted.

I am two weeks into my 8 months, and getting more uncomfortable as the days pass. At this point in many pregnancies, women are nesting (aka cleaning, shopping, organizing, and various other things to prepare for the baby). I, on the other hand, am moving.

We sold our house two years ago and moved into an extra large rental complete with high ceilings and a large front room perfect for indoor badminton, basketball, and baseball. Very inconveniently we received a note from our landlord that informed us they would be moving back in at the end of our lease: June 30. May I add that my due date is July 19! I have an acquaintance that moved weeks before her child was born and only by the skin of her nose did she get everything ready in time. Knowing this I asked that we move out the month before.

It's really hard to prepare for a rental months in advance. I've discovered that when a home is ready, the owner would rather rent to someone wanting to move that week, not in a month. Needless to say I stressed myself out looking for a house 30 days before move out. All the homes I looked at were either in the wrong area, too small, too big, the landlord asked too personal questions (i.e savings account/checking account/credit card info), or it just didn't feel right. I finally found a house that was a good size, reasonable rent, in a good area, and had a pool! But I quickly talked myself out of it because the master bed was downstairs and the other 3 beds were upstairs. How was that going to work with a 3 year old and baby?! I figured I'd keep looking and put that house on the back burner. 3 (very stressful) weeks later and many searches on Craigslist I decided to go with the first house. So far, I couldn't be happier with my decision.

This was by far the easiest move we've ever had. And I'm not just saying that because I'm pregnant and unable to lift anything. We hired movers (best decision ever!) who allowed me to unpack and clean as we went. I'm happy say that we are completley moved in...that is, except for the baby's room. One step at a time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Looking back, Part 5 (the final chapter): Scheduling some offspring

I realize the irony in this blog title because most Mom's know that as much as you try to schedule your kids or your life after kids, s**t no longer happens the way you want anymore. 

As you have probably gathered I ask my Mom for advice more often than not - or she gives it to me as I'm venting to her (this is more than fair because I vent to her on a weekly basis). And more often than not I take her advice - or kick myself for not taking it. Lucky for me she isn't an "I told you so kind of person" but that doesn't mean she doesn't like to bask in her rightness when I'm happy with the results of her advice. One (unsolicited) piece of advice that I remember her specifically telling me, at a young age, was that I needed to have at least one child before I turned 30. You see my parents had me at 27 then my brother arrived, 7 short years later. My Mom always said that she found herself more tired and worn out (especially with two kids) after her 30's. Since I had always planned to be bare foot and pregnant as a career, having a kid before 30 seemed reasonable to me. I also figured that if I had kids earlier I'd still be fairly young when they went to college, which would work out perfect because I'd still be young enough to keep up with grand kids PLUS I'd have money and time to travel! WINNING! Hopefully my future husband would agree with this plan...

After Ryan and I got married we decided to take a few years to hang out together, establish careers, and buy a house. After all we had been dating just over a year before getting hitched and we were fairly young at that point. I had also grown out of my "baby machine" phase. Two years later Ryan and I decided it was time to make a baby. I had read that when women go off the pill to start trying it could take anywhere from six months to a year before fertilization. Knowing this we ceased birth control December 2006. It took exactly six months (and a really crazy Cinco de Mayo party) before we got pregnant. Since it would be our first child we scanned the Chinese zodiac** to confirm our families compatibility. I knew that if we had a baby 2008, the year of the Rat, and one in 2010/2011 the whole family would be complete. We didn't mind what gender the baby would be since it was our first and as long as we could plan the second to be opposite then we would have hit the jackpot! (click here to see how that worked out for us.)

According to the "ancient Chinese gender chart" we would be having a boy! Baby Bean would be arriving February 2008. He was such an easy pregnancy, I honestly forgot that I was even pregnant half the time. I didn't have any weird cravings except the urge to eat hot fudge sundaes at every meal. If anything, I was sad that I couldn't eat my favorite foods: beer, sushi, and deli sandwiches. It was sort of ok with me because I had already placed my take out order with Ryan so that all three would be waiting for me as soon as I got home from the hospital. FYI future Mom's: I read that drinking beer helps release your milk supply if you are planning on breast feeding. Don't quote me on it but whatever helps, right?!

I think the hardest time I had with that pregnancy was picking a name.  With this in mind I didn't have a name picked out but had narrowed down the list to: Jacob, Lucas, Benjamin, and Alexander. Some days I wonder what Jake would look like and if he would have a different personality if I picked Lucas....
Jacob Ryan born February 17, 2008. I just want to snuggle with him all the time!

For our second baby I had to plan more, especially if I wanted a girl. We wanted the kids to be closer in age but far enough apart so that they could have space from each other when they got to school. I was off the pill December 2009 but this time I had to be especially strategic if we wanted a girl. When you are 29/30 there are more boy months than girl months (of course!) so we tried really hard to get pregnant on the girl months. I even downloaded that stupid iphone application to tell me when I was fertile. It kind of takes the fun out of it but then again, this was business not recreation. We were getting to the end of the year and multiple pregnancy tests (and a crazy 30th birthday party) when finally, as luck would have it, we got pregnant!

It is so funny (and weird) to see your child as they grow up. Jake is such a mini version of both Ryan and myself that I'm really looking forward to what Baby Cash is going to look like and what kind of personality he's going to have. The more I think about it the more I'm looking forward to seeing my two boys grow up together. And after visiting with my midwife a few weeks ago, I'm more convinced that our family will be complete after Cash. But that could just be the hormones talking....

**It would probably help to know that I'm big on the Chinese Zodiac as well as the general Zodiac. When I was little and we'd go eat a Chinese food restaurant, one of my favorite things to do was figure out what everyone's sign was (with the help of that fun place mat.) I was born the year of the Monkey and I'm a Scorpio, two things that I believe explain me well. Ryan was born the year of the Dog and he's an Aries. Together we are a compatible match, I checked :)

*I should also let you know that I am not crazy, I just believe that if your signs explain who you are and who you are going to be then making sure your family matches well is reasonable. Of course you can't plan everything and just because you are all compatible doesn't mean you won't raise a serial killer...that's probably due to parenting as well. See so many things to think about when you have kids!

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Mother's Day Tradition

The year I graduated High School was the same year my Aunt found out she had breast cancer. I remember the day of graduation was one of the first times she had gone out since her mastectomy. After months (years?) of chemo and radiation she went into remission. The cancer would eventually come back and metastasize in her hip, leg, and bones. Its been 13 years that she has been living with some sort of cancer, juggling doctors appointments and multiple medications. In that time she has never let it hold her back from going about her life. She has traveled to Maine, Scotland, England, and Florida. She has worked full-time over the years and has built a "Fan base" of clients that visit her often.

For years my cousin, my aunt, my mom, and I have been talking about participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure in Sacramento but we've never actually signed up until last year. We had so much fun that we decided to make it an annual Mother's Day tradition - complete with matching shirts!

So tomorrow I walk with my family for my aunt who is a cancer survivor. I know this journey hasn't been easy on her or the rest of my family but I am so grateful for the time we continue to have with her and the fun memories we create together.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Looking back, Part 4: the unexpected career and my subsequent work spouse

I graduated with a "Self Designed" Bachelor of Arts in Art History and Film Studies. The reason it is "self designed" is because I transferred to UOP to major in Art History and upon enrollment they dropped that major (dammit!). Luckily they still offered all of the classes I needed, I just couldn't graduate with that specific degree. I'm sure you are thinking "why didn't you just change your major?" Well smarty, my philosophy at the time was "how the hell can I pick a major/career at 18 that's supposed to last me my entire life?!" So I was majorly indecisive (pun intended.)

I originally enrolled at American River JC to major in Culinary Arts, I wanted to be a chef. Then I realized that would mean working on weekends, late nights, and holidays - no thank you. When I transferred to Sacramento City JC I switched my major to Liberal Studies. My new career would be teaching elementary school! It wasn't long before I talked myself out of that too. I was worried that if I taught kids all day I'd never want my own. Ugh, true story.
SIDE NOTE: I have some friends in the K-12 business. They have some super funny/gross/uh-oh type of stories. So glad I don't have to be apart of those shenanigans.

I chose to major in Art History based on an elective I had taken at Sac City. I loved that class and I was good at it too. History isn't usually my forte but the art aspect of it is very personal. Its like reading a People magazine on one picture. And the best part is most of it is subject to interpretation! So more often than not if you know the art concepts you can interpret what the artist was trying to portray. Don't get me wrong, this subject isn't for everyone. In fact when I graduated college my Mom took me on a trip to Paris. I remember visiting the Pompidou (modern art museum). I was admiring a painting when I heard laughter in the next room. I walked in to find my Mom and Aunts laughing hysterically while galloping to the recorded sounds of horse hooves in that room. I was so embarrassed. 

I stuck to my guns, I was going to keep what was left of my "major"  and pay a pretty penny for my worthless self designed piece of paper...really I should have just switched majors. But I had just talked my parents into letting me go to this specific school for this specific major because I was going to be a MUSEUM CURATOR. Sounds fancy, huh? I thought so too. In all honesty I was only going to school to get a stupid degree to make them shut up and had no intention of using that degree in my career.  My philosophy was if you are going to pay for college you may as well study a subject that you like (right?! Someone please tell me I'm on to something here.) Either way I did great, I rocked my classes and loved all my teachers. Looking back though I'd totally switch majors, probably to Psychology/Sociology or Business.

After graduation, Ryan got a job and we moved. He was hired as a manager for a manufacturing company. I was applying for odd jobs but since we were getting married that September I focused on wedding planning. (Why didn't anyone at college tell me that I should have been looking for a job my last semester?!) I found a job at a near by CSU, one that I had never heard of before, as an Administrative Assistant for Associated Students. I figured I could work and they would pay for my Masters degree (which I still haven't done). I had only worked there a short time before I realized that working at a college is a really sweet gig! It was a job BUT I still got to hang out with people my age and do all the fun college stuff. Homecoming? I worked it. Concerts? Worked that too. Free food days? You bet I worked/ate at those events! Honestly it was the best gig. After work we would all grab a drink or go to a party. Ryan was working "split shifts" at that time and he would occasionally meet up with us.

A year later I moved to a different office with the goal to become a student advisor for that department. I still got to do all the fun stuff but I was ready to hand over the office duties to someone else. One year after that I was hired as the Student Organization Advisor and Activities Coordinator. A few minor job duty tweeks and 3 years later I'm still at it. In the last month alone my job consisted of rowing a boat in the school pond, attending a dance competition, talking to students about a campus wide scavenger hunt, going to a memorial for a student (not so fun), eating free ice cream, and updating our website - that was done with my shoes off and my feet on an exercise ball. Sure there are good and bad parts to any day but for me it's bearable because I have an awesome work spouse.

Candy* is my work spouse, between the hours of 8am-5pm we are married to each other.
Here are the seven signs you have a work spouse:
1. You depend on a particular co-worker for office supplies, snacks and aspirin.
2. There are inside jokes that you and a specific co-worker share.
3. You can be bluntly honest with this person about his or her appearance, hygiene or hair (and vice versa). You're comfortable enough to point out that the other's hair is sticking up -- or that someone's fly is down.
4. When something eventful happens at work, this co-worker is the first person you seek out for a de-briefing.
5. At breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks, your closest co-worker knows what to order for you and how you like your coffee (and vice versa).
6. You and your co-worker can finish each other's sentences.
7. Someone in your office knows almost as much about your personal life as your best friend or real-life spouse does.

Our relationship didn't start off amazingly. At first I found Candy to be annoying, she is/was super friendly, cheery, and nosy. I guess you would think that she was just trying to make friends and get to know people in the office - I thought she was invading my turf.  She is a 6'5", blond, from Stockton, who went to Auburn University to play volleyball, and she's a sorority girl. Put all that together and I didn't like her one bit. She slowly grew on me and after a while we became really close. Some days we will purposefully dress the same, I even bought us a set of matching letters. And last week we both wore the same thing - completely by accident. Honestly, that happens more often than not. We laugh at the dumbest things, spend the first hour on Mondays discussing our weekends, and vent to each other when stupid stuff happens at work/home. I was there when she got married and when she lost her Dad. She was there through both my pregnancies - I told her before I told my boss about Cash. We have been through three bosses, many student assistants, lots of late nights, and some hilarious days. Recently, its become a serious concern that our students think we are actually married to each other. To which we have to respond "no, and this is not our child." We make a great team. I'm afraid for the day when one of us doesn't work here anymore.

Breast Cancer walk on campus
Our 2009 Christmas Card
We dressed up as dudes for a campus Drag Show

Did you know that we have won TWO awards for our awesome team work?! Who'd have thought!

It never occurred to me that this could be a job. Could I do it forever? I don't think so. The older I get the farther away from this generation I feel. Students now need their hand to be held for everything, the majority of them aren't very resourceful and frankly I'm already raising one kid. I'm just enjoying this career while it lasts and seeing where it will take me. And luckily I have a great work spouse to share the craziness with.

*no joke but Candy was her parents first pick for their daughters name. Candace Darling. Luckily they didn't want a daughter who was a Dr. and moonlighted as a stripper so they renamed her. Shout out to Karen & David!*

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Looking back, Part 3: My Husband

As I have mentioned previously, Ryan and I met at college. He was a 4th year Engineering student who was paid to do dishes for the sorority I had just joined as a transfer student.  I really didn't pay much attention to him at first. He was dating one of my sisters and being of Spanish-Mexican decent he was not my type (see previous blog). But all the ladies loved him, I remember they would all give him hugs and fawn over him*. Don't get me wrong he is very cute, has a tight butt, and an athletic build. Oh and he is nice, smart, mature, and funny. A great catch.

So here I am, second semester, my bf and I just broke up, in a house with my new friends - who are also single. Time to party, right? That is nearly impossible to do with people other than your fraternity friends. After a few months of fun Ryan and I found ourselves hanging out in the same circle. It really didn't take long for Ryan and I to discover that we have similar personalities that meshed well together. That summer Ryan would be leaving for a nine month internship three hours away. We talked on the phone regularly for a while and then we began casually dating.

Let me back up because Ryan is nothing like I would have pictured myself with. Ryan grew up in Stockton, he has two sisters, attended a high school that was fitted with razor wire - but offered the GATE program he was enrolled in, was in a gang - for a second, possibly sold drugs, worked throughout high school at McDonald's, he is very athletic (football, baseball, wrestling, rugby), he was nice to everyone and as such no one had (or has) anything bad to say about him, he was in a fraternity, AND his nickname was Truck (who honestly has that for a nickname?!) Clearly the type of guy I was attracted to wasn't working out so I convinced myself that I should just take a chance, like I had with everything else I'd done at college.

Those nine months seemed to go on forever. Every weekend we would switch off driving the six hours, round trip, to see each other. It was nice because during the week I had plenty of time to do school work and spend time with my friends. It was also great because he was already friends with all of mine so when he was in town he was always invited to hang out with the girls.

Within those first nine months of dating we began to talk marriage. We even went ring shopping a few weeks before Christmas.  I found one I really liked but we were "just looking" figuring we'd get engaged after the holidays when he'd move back to Stockton for our last semester. I'd be leaving for Carmel that Christmas Eve and he would join me on the 26th. I thought he was just coming to meet my family and spend some vacation time with me. He had already met my parents and my Mom's side of the family - they loved him. In fact the day my Mom and Aunt met Ryan we were on our way to the movies, I had just gotten into the car and my Mom called me. She said "Your Auntie C and I like Ryan very much and we think you'll make cute babies." Gee, she didn't wait long! I'll also add that was month one or two of dating.

Back to Christmas: The plan was for him to arrive just before our big post-Christmas dinner at Granny's house. He called me when he left Stockton to let me know he was on the road, I think he was running late, and that the ring we picked out had been sold. Mom and I were knee deep in "after Christmas sales" and I remember briefly being sad that he didn't get a ring which meant an engagement might be farther away than we had discussed. Anyway, Ryan got to Carmel in time for dinner and schmoozing with my family. After dinner the cousins typically do dishes and Ryan jumped in with everyone else (to this day he can do dishes better than anyone, he has a very specific system. Its all that sorority experience). For some strange reason we decided to do the dishes in the back house (there are two houses at Grans, one in the front, for Auntie Kate, and one in the back, for Gran) after we had just eaten in the front house. As I was drying off the last of the dishes I noticed the other cousins had left and Gran's cd player was on. Ryan had just come inside and was trying to tell me something. I was too busy trying to turn off the cd player, but where the hell was it and why was it playing "Your Song" (which happens to be our song.) Finally I found the damn thing and switched it off. Ryan grabbed my arm and lead me onto the patio, he got down on one knee and started saying something to me. Oh Crap! This is it! He's freaking proposing! I remember crying and laughing because my Dad had forgotten his one job was to put some flowers out for me and we caught him sneaking onto the patio to put them out-mid proposal. Of course I said yes. Ryan and my Mom had been talking and planning the big proposal for a few weeks. It was all very sweet and I was totally surprised.

The BIG day 9/3/05

We've been married almost 6 years now and though marriage is a huge adjustment, as is living with someone 24/7, I can honestly say that Ryan is the perfect partner for me. He allows me to be me - aside from being a mother, wife, chef, party planner, and accountant. He always encourages me and gives me space to grow. As a matter of fact he completely indulges me and my silly ideas or plans for our next life together (be on the look out bc in life #2 we will be in Vegas! He will be a famous athlete and I'll be an actress or singer.) We make a great team, as partners and parents. I'm very lucky to have him.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times where we've had our disagreements. In the beginning we had a lot of drama, especially if there was alcohol involved. And once we were married we had to deal with his crazy work schedule (I didn't mind graveyard or split shifts when we didn't have a kid but having a zombie as a parent is SUPER frustrating!) But as the years have gone by we've figured out how to make it all work - day shift, less booze (well maybe not LESS), and multiple tv's in the house.

We have big plans for our future together. My favorite includes a tour of the US via food network restaurant suggestions followed by a three month European vacation - after we ship the kids off to college of course.

* I still have to fight off the hoe's tryin to take my man. In fact just last week while we were on vacation Dad and Ryan played golf with a couple and the woman was flirting with him...IN FRONT OF HER HUSBAND! Lucky for her I wasn't there to kick her ass AND she bought him a beer - POINT RYAN!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Looking back, Part 2: Delta Delta Delta. Can I help ya, help ya, help ya?

Do you remember that reality show "Sorority Life?" It was on MTV in 2002 and followed some women pledging a local sorority in my hometown, Davis. It was highly entertaining but didn't paint sororities in a very good light. Let me summarize the show for you: once you join a sorority you get drunk a lot, cry even more, and hook up with a bunch of guys....oh and you talk about sisterhood (whatever the hell that means.) Sounds like fun? Yuck, it makes me want to go get tested for those women.

By the time I was ready to transfer to UOP this and any other sorority satire was all I knew of. I'm sure I'm not the only person that held the opinion that sororities are just women "paying for their friends." And it didn't really matter to me because I preferred to hang out with the guys, I don't like all the girl drama and I had no intention to get involved with any such business. Armed with these opinions I headed to New Student Orientation the summer of 2003. My student advisor, Molly*, just so happened to be the President of a campus sorority, but was unable to disclose which one during NSO. As she gave a group of 20+ a campus tour I worked up the courage to ask a question as we got to the brothels sorority houses.

"Um, Molly. I have a question about your sorority. How much do you pay for your friends?" Oh, yea. I said that, with bitchy pride. Molly was very polite and not the least bit caught off guard as she answered my, very rude, question with the standard answer.

The next day I got a phone call from my Mom. "Some girl named Molly called and invited you over to the sorority house to decorate picture frames." SERIOUSLY?! No way! Do I look like I enjoy decorating picture frames in my spare time?! I am in college and there is no way I'm going to spend a night with a bunch of fake girls when I could be hanging out with my boyfriend. (Total bitch, huh?)

Days later Molly called my cell phone (thanks Mom) and invited me to play flag football with the sorority intramural team. Now we're talking! Seems innocent enough. Besides maybe I'll make a friend or two. Sign me up. Next thing I know they are inviting me over for lunch (free lunch!), giving me a tour of the house (huge and nice), taking me out to dinner (sweet), and finally offered me an invitation to join (HOLD IT, WHAT?!) I said I needed time to think and I immediately called my Mom so she could talk me out of it.  She did no such thing. In fact she told me that I should go for it, what did I have to loose? (Secretly I think she was also trying to get me away from the bf I had, she didn't like him too much.)

Two days later I found myself walking towards the house on Bid Day, taking pictures with strangers, dancing to loud music on the patio, and meeting my new sisters. Eventually I became President of my pledge class, I was soon elected New Member Educator, and I would have 100+ new friends. That's not to say I got along with all of the women or even liked them all, but its the same with family right? You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family. That's really what I was beginning to think of all those women as, my family. These women would accept me at my best, my worst, and my bitchiest.

Bid Day 2004

Because of my decision to join a sorority it took my short time at college and amplified it. Had I not joined I wouldn't have participated in Greek Week, Derby Days, Lip Synch, gotten dressed up for formals, passed out on a house boat, played Century Club, met my best friends, or married my husband. And if you were wondering, the answer is yes. Yes there were pillow fights, cat fights, and wrestling matches. We sang, snapped, and danced. We dressed up, smoked out, stayed up late talking, and snuck boys in the house. And there may have been a time when someone was laughing so hard they pee'd in their pants (but I'm not telling who.)

I learned so much about myself, about what sisterhood really is, and about leadership. To this day I am an active alumni member of my sorority, I advise 12 chapters in the western region, and I use the skills I learned in the sorority on a daily basis and in my career as a college advisor.

I still keep in touch with many of my sisters and even though we all don't talk on a regular basis we know that there is always someone there when you need a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, a friend to bounce crazy ideas off of, or a sister to shoot the shit with. We've been through breakups, fall outs, marriages, babies, career changes, relocation's, birthdays, holidays, and vacations.

I will forever be grateful to my Mom for convincing me to try something new and to my sorority sisters for offering me the chance to be apart of something that will last a lifetime. This was truly a decision that would affect my life in the most positive way.

Scorpio Pub Crawl 2009

*H.H if you are reading this, I apologize for my horrible behavior that day. I'm happy that you saw through my crappy attitude and invited me to join the flag football team.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Looking back, Part 1: the Dr and the muscian

They say you don't know how far you are until you reflect on how far you've come...or something like that. Hell, I don't even know who "they" are but I know someone said something similar. Either way I figured I'd take a few blogs to reflect back on how I got to this point in my life.

I guess it all starts with my type, the specific type of man I find myself attracted to. I remember my first crush, I was in elementary school and his name was Bobert*.  I liked him because he reminded me of my Dad. He was tall, blond hair, and Caucasian - I like white boys. That's really the only reason I liked him, I don't mean sexually, its not weird for little girls/boys to like someone that reminds them of their parents-look it up. Long story short all the boys that followed Bobert were similar a.k.a - white (Ashley, Matt, Matt, and Matt - I guess that was a popular name when I grew up.) Don't get me wrong there was one or two guys that were of different ethnicity but predominately I liked my men tall, blond-ish, and white. As I got older I liked the skater boys and musicians. I pictured myself bare foot and pregnant, married to a rock star/skate boarder: Mrs. Nick Hexum (from 311).

My first major boyfriend was Tris. We had a class together Jr year of High School. He sat in front of me and I fell in "like." He listened to loud music, drove a blue mini van, played tennis, was a skater, and smoked. Our class together was right before lunch and some how our little flirtation began when we started a competition to race each other to Taco Bell. As soon as the lunch bell rang we would run out to our cars, wait for our friends to hop in, then race downtown. Oddly there were never any words exchanged it was just something we did. Finally I got up the courage one day to talk to him. During 7th period I was hanging out in the parking lot with some friends and he had just pulled up next to me. He didn't get out of his car, just rolled down the window and waited for his friends to get out of class. I walked over and said "so do you always sit in your car alone and listen to music?" (Yes, I remember exactly what I said.) Thus began our relationship. Very quickly we became bf &gf. Every month he would bring me a gift for our anniversary. Six months later we were discussing moving to San Diego (where he would go to college), getting married, and having kids - we even picked out our kids names. Hell, we even picked out what kind of cars we would have and the house we would buy. I really truly thought I was going to marry Tris but looking back our paths weren't meant to be. He was very ambitious, he knew where he was going, and what he was doing with his life. Tris got into UCSD and wanted to be a Pediatrician. Me, I didn't even take my SAT's. I had no plans for college because I was going to be a stay at home Mom. In the end we grew apart, though I do think that we could have been one of those couples who were high school sweethearts if only I had kept up my end of the ambition. Tris just got married last year, is working on getting his PH.d and doing cancer research at UCLA. That guy is going to save the world.

My next love came three years later. I was going to school at American River JC, working at Macy's, and spending most of my time either at dive bars in downtown Sac or local music shows. My coworker, Nic, and I went to SF and got (really really) fake ID's so we could go to the same bars as the guys in the bands we were hanging out with. Nic was from Elk Grove and her neighbor hung out with the same crowd we did. One night we were hanging out at the usual spot, Benny's, when Mason showed up with Nic's neighbor. He was four years older, played guitar, lived in Lodi with his parents, went to school at S.J Delta, and worked with his Dad-not exactly ambitious like Tris but I was looking for something different I suppose. I wasn't immediately attracted to him as I was currently crushing on the bass player of Shortie, Kyle. By the second or third time we all hung out Mason asked for my number. I happily gave it to him, Kyle was a lost cause, and said "don't wait three days to call me." You see, Swingers had just come out and it wasn't unusual for the crowd we were with to be super slutty (not that Nic and I were). So my comment was very realistic, either call me or don't, if you don't peace! He got the hint and called me the next morning. Our relationship started out slow, he was older and lived "far away." A year after we started dating he decided to attend UOP and get his degree in Music Therapy. By this time Mason and I were talking marriage, something he claimed he had never thought of until dating me, and since he was moving even father away from Davis I figured I could transfer to UOP as well. I was taking classes at Sac City JC and had enough credits for two or three AA degrees. I knew that I needed to transfer ASAP because Mason's Music Therapy major was filled with more women than men and I didn't like that the women had taken him under their wing. He was always studying with a group of girls, a red flag that never left even when I transferred to UOP. It was the middle of my second semester that my suspicions had finally caught up with me. Mason broke up with me after a weekend conference spent with Cannie. They are now married, have their own business, and have a children's band similar to Peter, Paul and Mary. He was an amazing musician and I'm sure he has helped many children.

By the time Mason and I broke up I had been at UOP for a few months, had joined a sorority, and moved into the house. This really was perfect timing because I had a bunch of friends to comfort and distract me, my roommate was even going through a similar situation as her and her bf had just broken up. This was also around the time that I had met Ryan.

Clearly my life would be very different if I had ended up with Tris or Mason. But lucky for me I could never be a Dr's wife, sharing my husband with sick people isn't something I envy in others, and because I'm tone deaf I wouldn't be able to play in a band, I'm too old to be a groupie. The way I see it we are all with the right people and happy with the path we are on.

*some names have been changed to protect the innocent*

Monday, March 28, 2011

"Check out this gigantic cat. It's huge! Like as huge as Alissa's belly!"

You heard it right, that actually came out of someones mouth last week. At work no less. By a co-worker! 

Thus concluded two weeks of people commenting on my large, huge, round belly. It all started when a student I saw on Monday came by the office again on Wednesday. Instead of "Hey" (or some variation) he says "Wow, you got big." To which I replied "I was looking for a reason to cease talking to you.ever.again." That night another student, who just birthed her first, comments on my "you got bigger" stomach. Really?! Don't even get me started on you sister. You should be thanking me and my tax dollars for paying for that child you birthed. Thursday my best friend, who hasn't seen me in a few months, made a similar comment. By this time the events of yesterday had been stewing so I replied to her something to the effect of "would it be OK if I told you that you looked fat?! (not that she did) No? Then why is it OK that you can comment on my weight?"  I felt bad for going off on her so when I saw a different friend that night and she made a comment, I simply smiled and took a deep breath. It was only a few days later, just enough time for me to forget, when my co-worker made that HUGE comment about my stomach. I immediately told her to step-off. I haven't even gained that much weight! In fact other than being anemic my OB/GYN says I'm doing "fantastic." 

My Mom says that I have to let it go mostly because I have few friends that have given birth and they didn't mean them negatively. Maybe she's right. I did feel bad after telling off my BF, but seriously. Why is it OK to comment on a pregnant persons weight but not OK to tell a non-prego that they have gained a few? I mean, its common knowledge that I'm growing another person. You think I can't feel the weight? Recently I've had to wear a back brace (similar to the ones you see weight lifters sport) to help with the back aches. In all honesty if you think I'm "big" now, just wait till the weather is hotter and I'm closer to ejection. I have a feeling "cankels" are on the horizon.

Authors note: I acknowledge that none of those comments were meant to be malicious. I also know that you don't think I'm "fat" and comments like these aren't meant to be interpreted as such.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Little Drummer Boy

The Queen of the Castle

I want a baby girl. There I said it. I want to braid someones hair, take her shopping, paint her nails, dress her up in gigantic headbands, buy her frilly baby bikinis, etc. I even want someone to share in my Tri Delta legacy, all the things I learned and friends I'd made in two short years.
How is this not one of the cutest things you've ever seen?!

I was glad that my first was a boy, someone to protect their little sister and make sure boys stayed away from her until she was (at least) 18. I thought for sure I'd be one of the lucky few that gets to have one of each. I'd have my perfect nuclear family - minus the dog, no thank you. And then I would be done having kids. Two arms, two parents, two kids.

When I was pregnant with Jake I had no morning sickness, gas, sleepless nights, or loss of appetite (normal things some women experience during pregnancy). The worst I experienced was some acid reflux at the end of the pregnancy. At that time I remember reading an article that some women who experience those above symptoms are more than likely carrying girls. Apparently little girls produce more estrogen in the womb therefore giving the mother morning sickness. I have three friends/friends of friends that had some sort of morning sickness, I guessed little girl and was right. The theory MUST work!

A week after I found out I was pregnant with number two I began to get nauseous, tired, gassy, indigestion, etc. Thanksgiving and Christmas were terrible because I didn't have much of an appetite. Needless to say this pregnancy is completely different than my last. I even checked the Chinese gender calendar (because I believe in that stuff and tried to plan both of my pregnancies by this calendar.) This MUST mean I'm carrying a little girl right?! But I told myself not to get my hopes up just in case it wasn't a girl. I'd tell people "I'd like one of each but would be happy so long as its a healthy baby." My fear was that I'd get in the ultrasound, see a penis, and start crying with disappointment. So I tried not to get my heart set on one or the other.

When I had Jake the ultrasound was done at 17 weeks, it has now been pushed back to 20 weeks. I contemplated going to a 3d ultrasound place in week 12 because I am impatient. Luckily my Mom talked me out of it and instead I called and scheduled my ultrasound asap...week 19. Last time family was allowed in the room immediately, this time only I was allowed. After the tech took pictures I'd be able to get Mom and Ryan, then we'd all find out together. The tech and I made small chat as she took pics of Cashew. It seemed like we'd been in there for at least 15 minutes making small chat. She asked if I preferred one gender over the other. I responded with the usual "as long as its healthy." She said "well it looks like he...the baby is healthy." SHIT. I let it go. When I went to get Mom and Ryan in the waiting room I think I had a "look" on my face because Ryan said "you know already huh?" "Nope." The tech turned the screen around so we all could see Cashew. The first thing we saw was him, spread eagle, sitting on the camera, penis floating. Ryan got the biggest smile on his face, I said nothing, and Mom gave a sigh of sadness. We left the hospital with little words and when Mom and I got in the car she told me she was sad because she had already begun planning all the fun girly things she wanted to do with her granddaughter. She fears that this is her only chance at grand kids because Zach is no where near the thought or possibility of it.

The next day I Facebooked an old high school friend who has two boys. I feel horrible because I AM excited to have another baby but I feel like my plans for a 4 person family are incomplete and that makes me feel horrible. It even hurts to admit it to other people because you never want to admit those kinds of things or feel ungrateful. And I don't want Cashew to feel my disappointment I already love him very much and can't wait to meet him. Anyways I messaged her for some advice on what she did and how its worked for her. It really helped because she shared that she too wanted a little girl but in the end its been the best thing to have two little boys, play mates, buddies to look out for each other, sure they fight but they are very close. That day I saw a Microsoft commercial; three brothers working on a project, the older one helping the little ones. I started crying, happily, thinking that those could be my boys one day.

It took a few days and some advice from a friend but I am so excited and I can't wait til July when I can meet Cashew. I know that Jake would be a great big brother either way but I think he will be an awesome big brother to his little brother. It never crossed my mind that I'd be a mom to two boys but it also didn't cross my mind that I'll have two mommy's boys who will love and protect me. I'll be the Queen of the Castle, I can totally handle that! And who knows, maybe one day I'll consider a third. Just don't tell Ryan. :)

My adorable little boy at 19 weeks.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bass Pro Shop

One of Ryan's coworkers raves about Bass Pro Shop. He has two young sons and takes them to see the stuffed animals for entertainment and suggested we take Jake. Not knowing anything about this store, other than its HUGE and in the next town over, it sounded like a great plan for a rainy day - especially since there is no zoo in our area. In my mind I'm thinking they have rows and rows of stuffed giraffes, elephants, bears, lions, etc. FAO Schwartz style. So one Saturday I promise Jake that if he takes a nap we will go visit the animals. He was so excited that when he woke up 3 hours later he reminded me of where we needed to go.
As we pull into the full parking lot, groups of people are filing into the store. Jake starts to whimper at the unknown beyond the gigantic doors. "Oh look Jake, a deer made out of branches!" As you enter the store a man is sitting behind a turnstile; almost as if you are about to board a ride at Disneyland. Let me just say that this store is unlike any other store I have ever seen in my life. Its like a Man vs. Wild wet dream.  There are sections for mens/womens/kids clothing, fishing/hunting/camping gear, a gigantic fish tank - complete with large fish, a waterfall, and hundreds of taxidermy animals in every corner and hanging from the ceiling. There is even a fudge shop!
We spent over an hour walking around the store checking out each of the different sections. I even bought a bag of popcorn to up the entertainment value. Lucky for me I grew up with a hunter for a Dad so when Jake asks "what's that?" I can expertly say "its a mallard/trout/pheasant/etc." It was so much fun to see the look on Jake's face when we pointed out the animals.
If you have one near you and are looking for some entertainment on a cold and rainy day, I highly recommend the Bass Pro Shop! Maybe we will see you there.
The tree house in the kids section

The huge fish tank

He said he wanted to tickle the squirrel

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Hey mommy. I'm your friend. I'm not Daddy's friend because he's mad at me."
"I'm not mad at you."
"oh ok. Mommy, Daddy's my friend too."

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have a hard time choosing baby names. I think that people look like their names therefore I'm afraid to settle on a name before I see my kid. What would have happened if I choose Luke instead of Jake, called him that for months and then when he came out changed my mind? Of course I don't think that this is weird if other people settle on names pre-birth. I'm just weird and superstitious. This is also the reason why I don't like to share possible baby names with people. I a) don't really want to hear what you think if you don't like the name I choose (because its probably an uncommon name like Ezekiel-yes, it was considered) and b) there is a very real possibility that I'll change my mind. Just ask my Mom and Ryan. Almost 5 months in and I've "loved" at least 20 names already. This is why I like to choose an obscure name for the fetus-I still need something to call it other than "baby" or "baby A." I think ultrasound pics make babies look like legumes. Jake's fetus name was "Bean" and for a while after he was born he was "Jakey Bean." So this time Mom suggested "Peanut" and for a joke I responded with "Cashew." Guess which name stuck. When Jake is talking to my tummy, saying "good night" or "can't wait to see you" he calls the baby Cashew.
For Christmas Mom found (in her stash of at least 100+) a Beanie Baby named Cashew. A cute, brown, soft bear. Jake saw it this morning and decided he wanted to take Cashew to school. For the record only a small few make Jake's cut for school.

He is such a nice big brother already!

Jake the Snake is 3!

The birthday boy decided that 5am was a good time to crawl in bed to cuddle. Naturally he doesn't want to go back to sleep. He just wants to kick, squirm, and wiggle around. Finally at 6am Ryan got out of bed.
The first "Happy Birthday!" comes from him.
No response.
When I roll over and say "Happy Birthday!"
Jake responds with "Happy Birthday!"
"No silly, its your birthday. Not mine."
"I'm three! I love you mommy."
How I didn't immediately start crying, I'll never know.
We've been talking about turning three for a few days now. He knows a Mickey Mouse birthday party is coming up (his request last month). But when you ask him he now says he wants a Brobee birthday party thanks to a recent YGG episode.

On the way to school he sings the Happy Birthday song to himself. I would join in but its so much cuter to hear him sing it. He's really excited about the blue and green chocolate/vanilla cupcakes I brought for him to share with his school friends. I'm going to have to think of something good for tonight. The only way to top cupcakes is candy...